One Shot Slice Fix Review from PGA!

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Most golfers have no idea why they keep slicing the golf ball. Some say they swing too fast; others think they don’t keep the elbow in. Without a good grip, you could make a steep swing into the ball.

Hank Haney (the legendary golf instructor) has finally released the one-shot slice fix. He has worked with iconic stars like Tiger Woods and even amateur golfers.

If you’re an average golfer, you can fix the problem in record time, according to this technique. But, is this true? Will this strategy help you play consistent golf?

Here is a detailed Hank Haney one shot slice fix review:

One Shot Slice Fix Review


One Shot Slice Fix Review
Source: Adam Young Golf


First of all, what is the hank haney one shot slice fix?

The fix is supposed to add about 30 yards of distance to your swing. It eliminates the distance-stealing fades and creates an accurate straight shot.

Once you lock the club into the slice, you get consistent and on-target contact. Even better, the strategy shaves up to 10 strokes from the scorecard.

How it Works

Before you make the practice swing, you need drivers with little loft. The new adjustable drivers allow you to increase the move.

Instead of swinging a 9-degree driver, you need 10-15 degrees. This ensures you release your hands and turn a 10.5 driver to 9.

Now, here is how it’ll go down:

1. Set the hands for release

Turn the hands away for a firm grip. Once you draw the lines up from the hands, you should hit the collar on the right side of the shirt. For this strategy, take a soft grip.

2. Draw a backward loop

Instead of a soled clubhead, swing the club above the head and then over the ball. Once you make the swing, the club will naturally drop into a shallower plane, and the hands will start to release.

3. Lift and turn

Incorporate the body turn into the drill. Once you groove the clockwise circle motion, keep the loop on and add the shoulder turn.

Turn the shoulders to feel the weight of the club head, swing over the ball, and make a clockwise loop.

4. Turn and release

The last step is the transition from a practice drill to a golf swing. Lift the club in a backswing position – the left arm in front of the chest.

Next, make a full backswing turn and swing over the shots. You’ll feel the backward loop ready for a right-to-left ball flight.

Does the one shot slice fix work?

This strategy works for any player, including newbies. In a nutshell, the one-shot slice fix gets the clubs in the correct position and makes you confident more than ever.

It quickly corrects your natural swing.

Are there alternatives?

The most relevant alternative is to try and fix your slice yourself. There are many videos on Youtube that promise to teach you simple drills that’ll help you eliminate slicing your driver.

Now, you have two options. Try the technique from Hank. But if you can’t afford it, go find some drills to practice with until you’re able to hit the ball without slicing.

Whichever you go with will require some effort from you so have that in mind.

More Tips to Keep You from Forever Slicing

A golf slice is a common problem among golfers, which results in the ball curving significantly from left to right (for right-handed golfers) or from right to left (for left-handed golfers).

Fixing a slice can significantly improve your overall golf game. Here are some tips and techniques to help you address this issue:

  1. Grip: Check your grip on the club. A weak grip can cause an open clubface at impact, resulting in a slice. Make sure you have a neutral or slightly strong grip, which will help you square the clubface at impact. For right-handed golfers, this means the “V” formed by your thumb and forefinger on your left hand should point towards your right shoulder.
  2. Alignment: Proper body alignment is crucial for hitting straight shots. Ensure your feet, hips, and shoulders are parallel to the target line. Misalignment can force you to make compensations in your swing, leading to a slice.
  3. Swing Path: A common cause of a slice is an “outside-in” swing path. This means the clubhead moves from outside the target line to inside the target line during the downswing. To fix this, practice swinging from “inside-out” by focusing on dropping the club into the “slot” during the downswing and swinging out towards the target.
  4. Clubface Control: Make sure your clubface is square at impact. If the clubface is open at impact, it can cause the ball to slice. To improve your clubface control, practice rotating your forearms through impact and rolling the clubface closed.
  5. Posture and Balance: Maintain proper posture and balance throughout the swing. Avoid leaning back or swaying during the backswing and downswing, as this can cause the clubhead to move off-plane and result in a slice.
  6. Tee Height: Experiment with different tee heights. Teeing the ball too high or too low can promote a slice. Find the ideal tee height for your driver, which typically should have the equator of the ball in line with the top edge of the driver’s face when it’s resting on the ground.
  7. Practice Drills: There are various practice drills designed to help fix a slice. One such drill is the “Split Grip Drill,” where you hold the club with a few inches of space between your hands. This drill helps promote the proper release of the club through impact, encouraging a square clubface and reducing the likelihood of a slice.

Remember, fixing a slice takes time and consistent practice. It’s essential to identify the root cause of your slice and work on correcting it.

You may want to consider working with a golf instructor who can analyze your swing and provide personalized advice for addressing your specific issues.

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